Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Feeling a little better

I was feeling a little better today....but still not 100%. I did learn something new though. I learned that if I am really cranky for Miss Ashley that Daddy will leave work and come home early! Yesterday he did just that...we played for a while and then we took a mega nap together for 3 hours!!

Today was a pretty normal day. I woke up with mom and dad at 6 am. After mommy kissed me goodbye and went to work I played with my toys for an hour. I got so tired playing that I laid down for a nap. I woke up an hour later because I had made a mess in my pants.

After pushin' a turd I was hungry so I scarfed down a bottle. Miss Ashley got me all dressed and ready to go for a walk and we got outside and it started to drizzle. That made me sad, so I got cranky again. Miss Ashley tried and tried to calm me down but I wasn't having any of it. I screamed and screamed but it just wouldn't stop raining. So I finally gave up and went to sleep.

When I woke up daddy was home and we hung out for an hour until mommy got home. We ate dinner (I had sweet potatoes!")
(puttin' the sweet in sweet potato)
After dinner I needed a bath. After getting all clean I went to go and play in my room. So there I was minding my own business when a bully started picking on me. I remember what daddy told me about standing up for myself (anyone see the irony because I can't stand up BY myself?). So I had to show off my fightin' skillz!

She was quick, but I prevailed. Chalk it up, my official record is 1-0.

I was still a bit cranky but mommy was able to soothe me and feed me another bottle before putting me to bed. I missed my nap this afternoon, so hopefully I will sleep all night.

Haste la bye bye.

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