Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Who says I'm too young to date?

I went on a date yesterday with my friend Courtney.  I guess mom doesn't trust her because she came along to chaperon the whole thing.  You can't really blame her though, I mean she is a Humeston afterall!!  Anyway, we had lots of fun painting pottery.  I painted two things (which I'll show you when they are ready) and I'm not sure what vodka is but apparently Courtney painted a special cup to hold it.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Mommy got daddy and I tickets to see WWE live and we went on Saturday night and IT, WAS, AWESOME!!!  I got to see a bunch of my favorite wrestlers and even give them high fives!!  We were sitting right by the ring so we could see and hear everything.  They also honored Ron Simmons who was a really great football player at FSU and a WWE champion.  We got to see them fight for the United States Championship, the Tag Team Championship, and the WWE Championship when John Cena fought Ryback in a table match!  It was an amazing night!!

Now you might be asking if I was really that into it, well check it out and see for yourself:

Dad and I with the belts....those suckers were heave

Ringside before the fights

U C Me?

Cody Rhodes

Cody consoling his best friend and tag team partner after they lost

R Truth getting ready to fight for the United States Championship

The United States Championship Belt

In a streetfight with R Truth



Daniel Bryan

The Big Red Monster Kane....he's one of my favorites
Daniel Bryan off the top ropes

My belt

Showing off my gold

Kane catching The Shield off the top ropes for a choke Slam

Me Cheering

FSU great Ron Simmons

John Cena


Get up Cena get up!!

Ryback coming to get Cena

Ryback picking up the steps....

....and throwing them into the ring.


Cheering loud for Cena

Ryback is down

Cena Slams him through the table and wins the match!

Ryback upset after the fight

Just an all around AWESOME time!!!


Daddy had another awesome surprise for me on Saturday.  He woke me up really early before the sun was even up and told me to get dressed.  I got dressed and he took me to work with him for the day.  It was really cool.  I got to ride in a truck, a tractor, count plants with a really cool counter thingy, we found turtles and fish in the ponds and even mapped out some strategerie on the "big board".  Then we got to go pick up lunch and bring it back to the office and eat together in the conference room.  It was such a cool day and now I understand what daddy does all day.

This is me riding "shotgun" in the truck

me counting the plants, checking dads work

I took it all very seriously

riding in the tractor

look ma, i'm a farmer!

"out of my way!"

Then I got home and realized why dad is always complaining about how tired he is!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Friday, I picked you and mommy up from the airport.  On the flight was the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott.  They were walking in a big group ahead of you and mommy and the Governor and his wife were holding hands.  You caught a glimpse of me and took off running, weaving in and out of his whole group and then you busted right through the hands of the governor and his wife while the media that was there just started laughing.  It was the coolest thing ever!!  Not even the state of Florida is gonna keep you from you dad!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Golf Course!

When I got back from my trip to visit Gram and DD, you won't believe the surprise that was waiting for me in the garage.  It was my very own GOLF COURSE!!  Is my dad the greatest or what?!  Anyway, take a look at it below and my reaction to the course.

Here is me seeing it for the first time

Look at each hole....aren't they awesome?!!

 As soon as we opened up the garage all of our friends came to play.

So now that we got to play it what do we think??

Thanks dad!!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Last night I was expecting the last two pieces of the golf course but fedex didn't deliver them!!  So I guess I'm going to have to distract you after I pick you up from the airport until it gets here and finish the course.  I'm so disappointed....but I suppose if it's the worst thing to happen to me today, I'll be ok.

Speaking of bad days, last night was your last night in South Florida and from what I understand it was quite eventful.  First, the toilet flooded half of Gram and DD's house and then the power went out.  Hopefully this all will make you extra excited to come back home.  Although I'm guessing mom is going to be EXTRA cranky this morning, so flying across the state with here is going to be a treat! Can't wait to see you guys!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I made some big strides last night on the course and finished the entire layout as well as 6 of the 9 holes.  I'm waiting for the obstacles to get here to finish the last three.  Mom has been hyping up a "huge surprise" for you when you get home.  You called me last night and said "I know it's two more days before I come home but I wish it was only one.  You know why?  Because I can't wait for my huge surprise"  I hope it's not a big let down.

Anyway, two nights ago, I ordered Chinese food to be delivered and I was working on the course in the garage and the delivery guy played the first three holes and said it was cool but the holes were too hard.  So I made some changes to make the course a little easier to play.  Of course this got me thinking, so I ordered Pizza last night to see if he could beat the Chinese delivery guys score....he played the 6 holes and did much better and I was able to make some tweaks.  Also, some of the kids from the neighborhood came over but I wouldn't let them play because I wanted you to be the first kid to play it.

Boy: what are you doing sir?
Me: making a golf course
Boy: why?
Me:  Dylan is out of town and I wanted to surprise him when he gets back
Boy:  Is it his birthday or something?
Me: No, just thought he would like it
Boy: (staring at the course)  will you be my daddy?

Ok, here is a sneak peak of two of the holes:

This is hole #1, nothing too difficult but you gotta hit is straight or you're in trouble!

This is hole #3, DA RAMP!!

I have added rubber mats with the hole numbers on them since these pictures were taken but that's the gist of what's left.  Can't wait for you to play it!!