Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sweet new ride

I got a sweet new ride yesterday....well, TECHNICALLY mom got a new ride but what's theirs is mine so I'm claiming it.  And you know what?  I earned it!  I went from riding in the back of a three row SUV down to a car and I know mommy wasn't happy about it either because she was always complaining about her car.  It looks like dad finally had enough and gave in (he's a stubborn one...he held out 3 and 1/2 years).  So anyway, talking dad into it should've been the hard part but actually buying the car was almost as much torture.  I try to be patient but here was the note I slipped to mom.

me passing mom notes.

At one point I even took mommy's phone and started to text dad.  Boy was THAT a mistake....it turns out, dad is just an 8 year old trapped in a grown ups body.  Look at this junk he texted me.

right off the bat he's all "fart butt poopie head"
then he shows he can dish it out but not take it
he's fun to mess with

I even took her out for a test drive to give it the ole' Dylan seal of approval.

8 short years and this baby will be all mine

When it was all said and done, mommy got a really nice SUV that I am going to be able to spread out in the back of on long road trips.  Congrats mommy!!  Better luck next time dad......

finally after hours it was over

Hopefully I don't have to go through that again for a really long time....I wonder what dad means when he says his lease is almost up?

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