Sunday, June 12, 2016

Lazy Summer Days

Well, it's only a couple days into summer and I'm already starting to wear mom down.  I refuse to go to a summer camp and then bide my time.  It only takes a couple days of me lounging around the house "bored" for her to give in and do fun stuff with me.  It's a tricky game but I'm pretty good at it.  In the picture below, you might see a bored kid but in actuality I have three of my favorite things:  my furriest friend Teny by my side, my xbox controller, and my red "HO HO HO" blanket.  What more could a guy want?  She's starting to crack, I can tell.....she's calling dad every 20 minutes now saying how "bad she feels".  Something big is coming my way, I can feel it!!

putting my plan in motion

I'll keep you guys updated when she cracks!

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