Sunday, March 15, 2009

Special morning blog post!

Look at this, a special edition AM guys can't say I don't give you your money's worth!!  Anyway, I had so much fun this morning that I just had to post about it as soon as I got home.  On a tip last night (from my main man Parker), we went out to a park in Coral Springs. So when I woke up this morning I asked mom if we could go (because we all know she's the boss around here!).  She said yes!!  So they made me some pancakes and off we went.  When we got to the park, I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was AWESOME!!  Thanks for the tip Parker!

Here are some pictures of my adventure!

This is me tripping and falling.  I was so excited and running so fast I tripped.  The weird part was that I didn't cry because the ground was all made of rubber....I just BOUNCED!
Three "O's" in a row!
This is my new trick....when mom and dad say "Hands up Dylan", I do just that!  (I don't know what the big deal is but they're so easily amused so I don't want to burst their bubbles).
Me thinking about what to play with next
breaking all of dad's rule about slide safety
after sliding down "Can I go again"?!!
These are only some of the slides they had favorite was the one on the left
Me taking a stroll
a picture of half of the playground:  bonus feature, play "Where's Dylan"...did you find me?
The other half of the park
catching some rays
making sure the gate was securely closed
Hey Dad!
How'd you get way up there?
I still see you
Let's try the red slide
Hi Mommy!!!
Where'd she go?
A caged man
I can see my house from way up here!
A caged animal!!!
everything is "OK"
The boy in the bubble
I think I'm getting another tooth!

What's my shirt say?

On this trip I also climbed stairs for the first time but daddy didn't have his camera...but that was a big deal for me.  Once I have that mastered I can take my mischief to a whole new level (now that's some funny pun-age)


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