Monday, June 24, 2013


Daddy had another awesome surprise for me on Saturday.  He woke me up really early before the sun was even up and told me to get dressed.  I got dressed and he took me to work with him for the day.  It was really cool.  I got to ride in a truck, a tractor, count plants with a really cool counter thingy, we found turtles and fish in the ponds and even mapped out some strategerie on the "big board".  Then we got to go pick up lunch and bring it back to the office and eat together in the conference room.  It was such a cool day and now I understand what daddy does all day.

This is me riding "shotgun" in the truck

me counting the plants, checking dads work

I took it all very seriously

riding in the tractor

look ma, i'm a farmer!

"out of my way!"

Then I got home and realized why dad is always complaining about how tired he is!

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