After breakfast we came home and I took a little nap. When I woke up daddy explained to me that "we are men, and men eat meat!" I said "ok, but shouldn't I get some teeth first?" "Nonsense" said dad. So I looked outside to view our grill.

I declared "this will not do, I cannot learn to be a man cooking on that wimpy thing, we need to upgrade at once!"
Since what I say goes, we piled into the car and headed off to look for grills. Mommy suggested we try Target first because she needed somethings from there anyways. "Nonsense" said dad, "we must go to a MANLY store in order to find a Grill!!"
So we're turning into Target and we get a really good parking spot. We walk toward the grilling section and I notice dad is stopped and staring with his jaw wide open. I look over to see what he sees and there it was........50% off all grills!! (guess mommy knows what she is talking about after all). I asked daddy why he was crying and mommy said "it's because your father is cheap and a sale like this is like Christmas to him". "Oh", I said, wandering what the heck Christmas is.
We find a grill that we like and this baby is sweet! 4 burners, a side burner, two drawers, a bun warmer, and a granite side shelf. Dad grunted, mom rolled her eyes. "We'll take it!" dad exclaimed to no one in particular.
So we load that bad boy into the car (what's a hernia?) and bring it home. We get it home and drag it around to the back of the house. Mommy and I read the directions to daddy while he stared at 400 parts blankly. Mommy calmly tried to point a few things out but dad was not listening. He blew his top and said he could do it by himself. Mom rolled her eyes. We went inside, while daddy built the grill. Lunch came and went and still no sign of dad. I took a nap and still not sign of dad. Mommy and I went to the grocery store and still not sign of dad. Low and behold, 6 short hours later dad came inside and the grill was put together. We went outside to check it out!
Wimpy before picture
After that dad was exhausted so we all laid down for a nap. Mom slept for her usually 1/2 an hour and dad and I slept for our usual 3 hours.
When we woke up it was grilling time! Mommy asked dad if he was sure he knew what he was doing. Dad rolled his eyes. He turned on the gas, hit the ignitore switch and...........

No, I'm just kidding. It fired up without a problem. Dad grilled some steaks and corn and we had dinner (although I didn't get any even though the whole thing was my idea). After dinner we went and played on the bed for a while
Then I got to eat some baby cookies.
One of them I didn't like at first but then liked I liked.
One of them I didn't like at all!
After playing I took a bath and then played in my room. Mommy showed me a drum she bought at Target when I wasn't looking and I LOVED it. Look how good I play!

(observe how I am sitting up all by myself and playing)
It was fun, now I just want to bang on the drum all day!!

(observe how I am sitting up all by myself and playing)
It was fun, now I just want to bang on the drum all day!!
After that it was time for a night cap (get it!)
Time for bed!
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