It was so much fun. There were 8 other mommies there with babies and even two ladies that were about to have babies. We spent about an hour marching up and down the mall. 

We went home and I got a quick nap in. I played in my Megasaucer for a bit.
Then mommy surprised me and said that we were going to go and have lunch with Daddy! Oh boy, oh boy, I love lunches with dad! We stopped by his work and picked him up. We went to TGI Fridays, but not the one Miss Ashley works at. We had the whole place to ourselves. Mommy and Daddy put my bumbo seat on the table and a bunch of waiters stopped by to check out my fly seat!
After lunch I came home and took another short nap. Daddy come home and we played for a bit. Mommy got real tired so she laid down for a quick nap. Daddy put me in his baby bjorn sack and we walked around the neighborhood. We explored a bunch of streets we never walked down before and met a bunch of new neighbors. Anyway, we walked for almost 45 minutes and I was STARVING when I got home. I ate two 8 ounce bottles in 6 minutes. That's one pound worth of food. That's almost 8% of my body weight. To put that into perspective that would be the equivalent of a 200 pound man eating 16 pounds of food in six minutes!! I think I might have a potential back up career!

After that Daddy tried to teach me to "play nice" with the cats.....I'm not sure I understood what he meant.
Ok, my belly is full and it is getting late. I am off to bed!!
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