I am going to run on an independent ticket, and give you a run down of my campaign. I have been able to secure funds by gaining edorsement from some very important corporations.
This does not mean that I can be swayed from my core beleifs.
Since the day I was born I have dreamed about leading this great country and being remembered as a great leader!
I will take a few questions before I hit the campaign trail.
Katie Couric: Where do you stand on the issues?
Dylan: That is the beauty of this campaign because I can't stand at all.....as a matter of fact, I can't walk or even crawl. I have, however, rolled over on several occasions!
Barbara Walters: "If elected, have you chosen a Cabinet?"
Dylan: Yes I have, please see below.
Reporter from New York Times: "How do you intend to combat global warming?"
Dylan: This is a simple problem, with a simple solution. If people used less water, the world would be a better place. That's why I recommend, sharing baths. I practice what I preach!
Chris Hansen Dateline NBC: "What about border security?"
Dylan: I would defend this country with my bare hands if I had to!
Dylan: I would defend this country with my bare hands if I had to!
Dylan: My economic plan is complicated but basically involves being a "good boy" and people tend to loosen up their spending.
Sun Sentinal Reporter: "What would you do if a bill lands on your desk that you don't agree with?"

Ok, that is all for the questions. Let me assure you that I don't have any skeletons in my closet and I can prove it.

There will not be any scandals with women (ewwww, girls are gross) and there will ceratainly not be a "FormulaGate"
I will leave you with a couple of publicity photos.
(this message was approved by Dylan)
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