It's been well documented that I'm a picky eater and by picky, I mean that I don't like to eat like ever. If I had to choose a time that I was most opposed to eating (other than when I am awake) it would be right after I wake up, AKA breakfast. My dad however, loves breakfast sometimes I just suck it up and ask him if we can go and get breakfast. I usually time it just right so that it works in my favor. I've become really good at just spacing the food out and pushing it around my plate to look like I ate. Plus, if I order milk to drink, they feel better about their parenting and will let me slather my breakfast in chocolate chips. This is me putting on a brave face and pretending to eat breakfast to make dad happy.
Keep it together man, it's almost over. |
Editor's update: This little charade got me a new Xbox game! (man these guys are easy to manipulate)
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