We went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner tonight and man is that place great.....not only did I enjoy a delicious Chicken Salad Sandwich (that I ate all by myself without any help from mom or dad) but then I got to play on the playground and I got Ice Cream! Sometimes it's good to be me!

my frosty reward for playing so hard and for being a good boy.

me climbing up the playground...I'm carrying my shoes because I didn't trust anyone with my new kicks down on the ground

This is me climbing into the tunnel....I was scared at first but I got over it.

Climbing back up again

sliding down the slide

more sliding...the picture is blury because of my blazing speed down the slide

the big lug playing up where he is not suppose to be

me looking through the porthole

one last slide picture.
I had so much fun on the playground I played for almost and hour!! Mom and dad didn't seem to mind the chance to just sit and relax while I played...kinda a win win for everyone!
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