I'm gonna make a great spy when I get older!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I have been reading about this "waterboarding" all over the news and how it is being deemed "torture". Well I wondered how I would stack up if I was being waterboarded and it turns out, it's not that big of a deal!!
I am Captain Poopie of the S.S. Turd-tanic
I am captain poopie of the S.S. Turd-tanic
Seriously, I got quite the "shituation" going on in my pants.
I mean if this was WWII my butt would be Hitler and my diaper would be Poland (there has to be a blitzkreig joke in there somewhere)
If this was the All Valley Karate tournament my diaper would be the Cobra Kai Dojo and my butthole would be in the "crane" position
If this was camp Crystal lake my butt would be Jason and my diaper would be a camper just about to have sex
If this were porn my butt would be Ron Jeremy and my diaper would be some poor girl who moved to LA to be an model/actress
If this were Rocky my butt would be, well Rocky and my diaper would be Appollo (from the second movie)/Mr. T/Ivan Drago/Tommy Gunn/the dude from the latest movie
If this were a twitter race my butt would be Ashton Kutcher and my diaper would be CNN
I think you get the point, I don't know if it is something I ate or what but I have been going through diapers faster than Amy Winehouse goes through needles.
A little financial tip....buy stock in Pampers....and wipes......oh and better invest in some hand sanitizer too!!
I am off to bed now...it's been a long day.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
To the park we go!
I woke up pretty early this morning and pops woke up and took me for a roll (he walked, I just rolled in the stroller) and then we went to the park to play...we had to get out of the house because I am too loud and mommy was trying to sleep (she woke up early yesterday and let dad sleep in) Anyway, this is me playing at the park

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Trip to Sawgrass Mills Mall
Hello everyone. Thanks for stopping back by to check out my blog. You might have noticed some really short posts lately, but that is because I can post them from my cell phone now, so I can give more up to date information quicker!!
Today mom and dad took me to the mall to get some clothes...and then we went to dinner and Target to get some toys!

I also got a ride on a tractor....not sure what a tractor is doing in the middle of an outlet mall, but it was fun so I wasn't complaining.

after the tractor ride they took me to a place called Wanado City...it was really neat. This is me checking out the place from upstairs

Still playing at Wanado
After the mall we went to dinner...I had the quesadilla's and some apple sauce...I ate every last bite! Then we went next door to Target

Mom and dad let me pick out any toy I want....and this is the one I picked (although it's not really fair because I can only reach things on the first shelf)

they also let me play with a bouncy ball but we didn't buy it because I have one at home. When we left Target we went over to G-ma and G-pa's house to show them the new golf club I got!

My first golf lesson from G-pa.
After that I came home and soiled my diaper in a way that only happens when you eat Mexican food. I don't know why mom and dad were complaining, no one forced them to feed me Mexican for dinner!
After my diaper change it was off to bed. I was exhausted from my busy day.
Until next time.......
I'm at the sawgrass mall with mom and dad buying new outfits. Yesterday they bought me some new toys....I must me doing something right!!!
Baby Torture
Someone please help me!! Mommy pinned me down and tickled my feet while daddy held the camera.....not fair at all!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Mr first Easter Egg Hunt!!!
I went on an Easter egg hunt today over at my friends Parker's house....I had lots of fun. There were tons of kids there and we were all going after the same eggs. Considering I was one of the youngest guys there, I think I fared pretty well. I have to be honest, I was a little distracted by all of the the toys and stuff but I still picked up a bunch of eggs..check out the pictures and video below!
Trip to Hutchinson Island
Mom and dad took off work on Friday and we headed down to Hutchinson Island for a couple of days. I had a lot of fun and boy am I handful with miles and miles of beaches to run around on!!

this was a play area the hotel had set up for kids...but since I was the only kid there, I got it all to myself!

when we got back home I went to the pool at G-ma and g-pa's and played with my new football!!
All and all it was a great trip. I kept running straight into the ocean...and even though the water was freezing I loved it!! Tomorrow we are going to go on an Easter Egg Hunt at my friend Parker's house....that should be cool!
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