This has already been one of the best weekends ever and it's not even over yet!! Here's what happened. Dad stayed home from work on Friday to hang out and play. Because he had Friday off, him and mom decided to have a "date night" on Thursday. Normally when they go out I go to grandma and grandpa's but to my surprise there was a knock on the door and Miss Ashley was there!!! I love Miss Ashley and was so excited to get some extra time with her this week. I wanted her to come over and babysit more often so I didn't throw my usual night time temper tantrums. I ate my food, took my bath, and went right to bed!!
I woke up bright and early (at 5 AM) and got to drink my bottle and watch TV in Mom and Dad's bed, which is way more comfortable than my bed (see picture below). Mom and Dad got new Iphones from grandma and grandpa for Christmas so they were two happy campers. These things are great, they are like portable babysitters for mom and dad, so I don't have to worry about them getting into any trouble. Anyway, we hung out for the day and then they said we were going to the Broward County Fair! I asked them if the Broward County Great was in town this weekend (because if I have a choice between something that is fair or something that is great, I'm going to go with great). Anyway, we head off t the fair and this is what I saw!
I got to feed a bunny rabbit...they weren't scared of my like my cats at home are...I don't know why, I'm a nice guy!

what am I looking at you ask???

I was looking at this crazy beyotch right here!!
Anyway, we left that fair after having a "great"time. I can't wait to go back next year!
So I woke up Saturday morning at 5:30 AM and daddy was too tired to get up with me. So mommy got up and we played and then went to Target. It was so early we got there before it opened so we hung out in the car and listened to Christmas music. She told me that we were going to decorate the house like we did for Halloween. I asked if I could be head director again and she said sure.
I insisted that all great directors have a chair so I need one. So mom and dad put my swing up outside!!!
I bounced around for almost an hour laughing and playing the whole time (I must admit, I wasn't much help directing)
another picture of me "directing"
Anyway, for the next seven hours mom and dad put up lights. I played, took a nap, rode with mommy to the store to get more lights...even went over to g-ma and g-pas for a while. Finally, they finished and showed me. It was well worth the wait. Check out this video I shot below (turn up the volume because the lights are synced with music)
How fantastic is that!!
Ok, today is Sunday and mom and dad said I am going to go and meet some dude named Santa Talk to you soon!
after playing outside on my swing I was exhausted....mommy gave me a bath and wrapped me up all snug with a bottle to watch cartoons.....nobody takes care of me like mommy!!
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