Friday, October 24, 2008


Hello everyone!  Today is Friday so I spent the day with mommy.  I slept in really late this morning until 9:30 (which means I slept for 11 hours last night).  Mommy says I am growing which is why I have been sleepy, hungry and grumpy lately.

Anyway, we went to my friend Parker's house today and played with him and three other babies that were over there.  We had fun as usual.  I was whooped when I got home so I took a nap.  Then mommy and daddy took me to target to get some new toys.  I got some really cool stuff too!  I got a rocket ship for the tub, a rattle, some blocks and an Elmo cell phone.  

I used my new cell phone to call the florist and have them deliver flowers for Grandma Shirl(ok, so mommy had to call because I don't have a credit card but it's the thought that counts!!).  I wanted to say thanks for watching me all of the time and for taking such good care of me.  She called while we were in Target to thank me.....the bouquet I sent her was really cool because it was made out of fruit!!  (which I figured was good for me because I know she will share some with me when we go over there tomorrow to watch the football game!)

After Target I showed off my newest trick to daddy (with mommy as my lovely assistant!)

I figured it was the least I could do for buying me all of those toys!  Then it was off to bed!!

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