The adventure did not start off so good. For the third time in a row the people at that place messed up mommy and daddy's order. Mommy was not happy, and let the lady in the magic window know that she made a mistake. After the lady popped her head back into the window mommy mumbled "idiot", which must be some grown up word for "I forgive you for your mistake". She then said "un-fricken-believable", which I thought was weird because the last two times we were here they messed up our order so why was it so unbelievable? Then when they finally got our order right the lady forgot to put the top on mommy's drink and it spilled all over the car. Mommy once again forgave the lady, but this time she did it very loud! She also said the lady was a "lucky Mormon", which I thought was nice of her to recognize religious differences.
"On to Daddy" I yelled from the back seat. We finally got there and then it was raining. Mommy yelled "OH GREAT!!", which I didn't understand why it was great that it was raining, espeically because we were going to have to walk through it. Daddy came out to the car with umbrella's to get us and bring us in. The food looked so good I was drooling all over the place....then again I drool all over the place all of the time so maybe it wasn't the food after all. I was waiting patiently for them to finish so I could play with dad. Finally he was done and he picked me up and showed me all of the pictures of me hanging on his walls at work.

Then the time came when it was time to leave. I didn't want to go, but daddy said he had a lot of work to do. Mommy and I got back in the car and went home. Next thing I know we are stopped on the highway and mommy is saying "UN-Fricken-believable", which I thought was weird because they are always complaining about traffic on the highway so why was this so unbelievable?
Anyway, it is off to Grandma Shirl's house because mommy has to do some counting. I'm pretty tired from my adventure and from playing with daddy so I will probably try and take a nap. I wonder if mommy will think that is un-fricken-believable too?
1 comment:
Too Freaking cute!!!!
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