Daddy picked me up from Grandma Shirl's house after my nap. Well rested, I was ready to do some serious playing! But first, I needed to eat. I scarfed down 8 ounces of milk and was ready to go. Just as we were starting to play mommy came home. She sat me down on the couch and was singing the "intsy wintsy spider"

After a few minutes Daddy took me, he was singing me songs from the Beatles

, what's with these guys and insects?
I half expected them to sing "old Macdonald had a farm.....and on this farm he had a mosquito..."

Mom and Dad ate dinner

and then it was off for my walk.

I got my penguin and my hand, so I was good to go! I couldn't wait, I was so excited, this is going to be and the folks walking in our hood, but I was sound asleep before we got off our street.
I woke up just as we were getting home and hung out with dad

(my first pun....ok second, but who's counting).
They bathed me again

and I played in my room for a bit.

You would think these guys would learn, but they didn't, so I had to yell to get their attention that I was done playing and ready to eat.
Behold my masterpiece..."THE EVOLUTION OF A TANTRUM!":
They were pretty quick to get the message and fed me dinner. I will be off to bed soon.
Until tomorrow, or maybe the middle of the night!