Monday, September 29, 2008
Just another Manic Monday
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My first trip to Disney world!
- Pack and Play
- Jumperoo
- Door Swing
- play mat
- Spider Man couch
- Mini Piano
- Drums
- toybox literally full of every toy I ever owned
- My stroller
- Baby bjorn pouch
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My First Music Video
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Guess who got new toys?!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thursday September 18th
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Daddy came home early!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Mobile Madness
I woke up this morning around 6 and daddy got up with me. We got dressed very quietly so that we didn't wake up mom. We decided that we were going to make her breakfast in bed (ok, maybe "make" is the wrong word.....serve her breakfast in bed). Daddy and I went out and got breakfast and then came home. I watched my new Thomas the train video while daddy prepped breakfast. I got a little fussy so he put me in my crib to look at my mobile. After a few minutes I was done and wanted to get out. Daddy wasn't listening so I decided to show him I mean business. I let him see how tough I was in a little video I like to call "Mobile Madness":
Daddy finally got the message so he took me, breakfast, and a tray into mommy's room so we could wake her up. She was so surprised and happy to see us! We all ate breakfast in bed and played for a while. After that we went for a walk before it got too hot outside. I made it about 3 houses from our front door before I feel asleep.
When we got back to the house they dressed me up in a cute outfit for when grandma came over. She took so long that I fell back asleep. I slept for 4 personal best. It was long enough to make daddy proud. I was asleep so long that grandma had to go back to Orlando so she could make it home before it got dark:
We went to the mall after I woke up and daddy bought a new computer. He said we got it so that I can blog better!!Bonus Video:
People are always asking if I am the one who is really posting my blog. I believe the below video titled "Putting the Rumors to Rest" settles the debate once and for all!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My first trip to Juvi!
I was really scared and wasn't having fun:

Then daddy came and swung with me and it was better.

After the park we came home and guess who was there? My other Grandma!!
We played:
She fed me:
and we took a walk!
During out walk we were looking at houses that were up for sale and a neighbor came out and yelled at us. He said we were trespassing. Oh boy, my first trip to Juvi!!
She even brought me my own Seminoles cup to drink from during game days!
I hung out with her and Jeff for a while and then Aunt Donna and Uncle John came over for dinner. Everyone played with me and passed me around. It was a lot of fun but also exhausting. Grandma and Donna bathed me and then we played some more. I was so whuped by the time everyone left that I went straight to bed! I hope Sunday is as much fun as Saturday was.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, September 23rd 2008
This morning mommy and I took a looooong walk around the neighborhood bright and early before it got to hot. Then we went over to Gma and Gpa's house to play.
After playing over there we had to go home and wait for the TV people to come over. We got High Def for the FSU games and a faster internet service so that I can blog easier! While they were installing, I got myself ready in my chair to watch the good stuff. In the mean time I played with my Octopus:
After they left it was time to eat. What will I be having tonight????
hmmm, looks like I am going to have peaches....I wonder if I will like them...
Of course after that it was bath time: (the following movie contains full frontal nudity which might be inappropriate for some children)
Mommy bathed me and then daddy played with me and dried me off...we played Peek-a-boo!
A D-TV short film
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday, September 11th 2008
After sleeping like a good boy last night I woke up this morning and hung out with dad while he was getting ready for work.
Miss Ashley came over and we hung out. She's my buddy. We always have fun together. I hung out with Grandma Shirl and Grandpa Tan man for the afternoon and I just found out my other grandma is coming down this weekend too! I can't wait...I bet she won't even recognize me because I'm sooo big now! When she last saw me I could barely do look at how easily I roll over....and that's not even the easy way, this is the hard way (from back to tummy)
Anyway, mom and dad fed me some peaches and they were yummy!
I took a bath and it was off to bed!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dylan chews his cud!
There really is no proper introduction to this video...but it makes mom and dad laugh so hard they start to cry.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Jax Patrick Garson...aka my future best buddy
Mommy and daddy went to the hospital today to visit him. They said he was very cute and was going to give me a run for my money with the ladies (whatever that means....girls are gross!!)
They took pictures and here he newest buddy!! (daddy said that eventhough he likes the Hurricanes that we can still be friends)

This weekend I might get to go to his house to meet him. I can't wait because I have some much wisdom to share with him that I have picked up in my many months on this Earth. Things like:
- Scream bloody murder until you get what you want
- a poop free diaper is a happy diaper
- baby eats or no one sleeps
- explain the physics of the entire world revolving around baby
- when in doubt get grandma
These and so much more.
Thanks Estee and Scott for making me a best buddy.
Welcome to the world Jax....we're gonna have some fun.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My First FSU football game EVER!!!
On the way home we stopped for lunch and I sat in the booth like a big boy. We came home and I laid down for another nap. Then it was time to get serious and prepare for the game tonight!
Now it was game time. Dad found a great way to hold me so he wouldn't drop me when he is drinking: